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Bright indirect light is best for the Ficus. Ficus can tolerate a bit lower levels of light if necessary. If stems appear weak and the new growth seems smaller, provide more light to the ficus. You want to keep it out of bright direct light.
Ficus likes to dry out between waterings. Allow the top few inches or more to be dry to the touch before watering. Signs of being under-watered are the leaves will begin to turn yellow. If overwatered, seemingly fine leaves will fall off. Do not keep the soil soggy.
We recommend fertilizing once or twice during spring through summer. We like to dilute the fertilizer by half of the recommended amount. It doesn't like to be moved around as it prefers consistent light and temperatures. Try to keep it away from drafts. Basic household humidity is fine. Ficus seems to enjoy being in pots longer than usual so don't rush to repot this variety unless necessary. If needed, it can be pruned back by trimming the top of the main stem. This will promote new growth and accelerate growth to the under stems. Wiping down the leaves with a damp cloth will keep the dust off and the leaves looking nice.
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