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Pothos N’Joy, similar to all Pothos, can tolerate low light conditions. Optimal lighting conditions are moderate indirect light. Most pothos lose their variegation and color in low light but the N’Joy tends to keep its beautiful variegated leaves. We recommend keeping it out of bright direct light as the leaves will burn.
Water the Pothos N’Joy when the soil is near dry. Pothos do not like to be overwatered. While watering, allow any excess to come through the drainage hole and not allowing the soil to get soggy.
Very little care is required to N’Joy this plant. You can fertilize it every month or so to help expedite growth. It prefers higher humidity but will tolerate average household humidity levels. You can prune it back to give it a fuller look. Pothos are easily propagated through leaf cuttings either placed in water or directly into the soil. We do not recommend much more other than sitting back and N’Joying.
Based on a NASA® study, these are the known contaminants this plant will filter from your home's air.
Benzene is found in plastics, resins, lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs, and pesticides. Benzene can be found throughout your home and in some household products.
Formaldehyde is found in OSB, plywood, MDF, and particle board. Formaldehyde can be found in furniture like desks, bookshelves, beds, kitchen cabinets, and more.
Toluene is found in paints, lacquers, thinners, glues, correction fluid and nail polish remover, and is used in the printing and leather tanning processes.
Trichloroethylene is found in refrigerants, greases, paint removers/strippers, adhesives, spot removers, and rug-cleaning fluids.
Xylene is found in cleaning agents, paint thinners, and varnishes.
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