Dracaena Reflexa
Song of India

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Song of India is very versatile when it comes to household lighting conditions. This plant enjoys both bright indirect light and can adapt to lower light conditions as well. It is best to keep it out of direct sunlight for long periods so the leaves don’t burn.
Like all Dracaenas, the Song of India likes to be kept on the dry side. It is best to let it dry out between watering. We recommend not overwatering this plant. Overwatering will lead to root rot and will harm this easy to maintain plant.
This is an easy to care for plant. It doesn’t need to be fertilized often. We recommend two to three times in spring through summer and just watering it in fall through winter. When fertilizing it, we like to dilute the fertilizer by about half. It enjoys higher humidity but will perform fine with normal household humidity. If you'd like you can always give it a good misting in the morning. As this plant grows, it is natural for the bottom leaves to brown and fall off. If needed the browning leaves can be removed for a tidier look. The top of this plant can be pruned off to display a fuller look.
Based on a NASA® study, these are the known contaminants this plant will filter from your home's air.
Benzene is found in plastics, resins, lubricants, dyes, detergents, drugs, and pesticides. Benzene can be found throughout your home and in some household products.
Formaldehyde is found in OSB, plywood, MDF, and particle board. Formaldehyde can be found in furniture like desks, bookshelves, beds, kitchen cabinets, and more.
Toluene is found in paints, lacquers, thinners, glues, correction fluid and nail polish remover, and is used in the printing and leather tanning processes.
Trichloroethylene is found in refrigerants, greases, paint removers/strippers, adhesives, spot removers, and rug-cleaning fluids.
Xylene is found in cleaning agents, paint thinners, and varnishes.
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