Hoya Plant

  • Plant Proper Team

Hoya Plant: Your Guide to Care and Beautiful Varieties

Welcome to Plant Proper, where we specialize in unique houseplants, including the highly sought-after Hoya plant. Known for their lush, waxy leaves and stunning star-shaped blooms, Hoyas are a favorite among plant enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or just starting your collection, learning how to properly care for a Hoya plant will help it thrive in your home.

General Care for Your Hoya Plant

Taking care of a Hoya plant is straightforward once you understand its basic needs. Here’s everything you need to know about keeping your Hoya happy:


Hoyas like to dry out slightly between waterings, so wait until the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry before giving your plant a drink. If your Hoya plant needs water, you’ll notice the leaves starting to wrinkle slightly. However, be cautious—overwatering is a common issue that can lead to root rot. Signs of overwatering include yellowing, drooping, or mushy leaves. It’s better to underwater than overwater, as Hoyas are more tolerant of dry soil than overly wet conditions.


Hoyas thrive in bright, indirect light. Placing your plant near an east- or north-facing window is ideal. For south or west-facing windows, use a sheer curtain to filter the light and prevent the leaves from scorching. Without enough light, Hoyas may grow more slowly and bloom less frequently. Remember to rotate your Hoya plant every few weeks to ensure even growth.


Feed your Hoya plant once a month during the spring and summer months using a diluted, balanced houseplant fertilizer. Regular feeding helps promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms.


Hoyas enjoy moderate humidity levels and are typically fine in the average home environment. If your home’s humidity falls below 40%, consider moving your Hoya to a more humid spot, like a bathroom with good light.


Hoyas prefer to be slightly root-bound, so they don’t need frequent repotting. Repot every 2-3 years, using a well-draining potting mix. This will keep the roots healthy and provide fresh soil for growth.

Pruning & Propagation

Trim back long stems just above a leaf node to encourage a bushier appearance. When propagating, take a stem cutting and root it in water or soil. Avoid cutting off stems where blooms form, as this may prevent flowering. Pruning and propagation are great ways to manage your plant’s size and help it focus its energy on new growth.

Pest Control

Pests are not common with Hoyas, but it’s always good to be proactive. Check your plant regularly, and if you spot any mealybugs or aphids, treat with neem oil or insecticidal soap.

Unique Hoya Plant Varieties from Plant Proper

We’re excited to offer a selection of beautiful Hoya plants, each with its own unique appearance and growth habit. Here are some of our top varieties:

  • Hoya 'Rosita': This Hoya cross features dark green foliage with maroon margins, creating a dramatic look. The ‘Rosita’ is perfect for trailing or letting sun stress bring out deeper colors in its leaves.
  • Hoya Australis Variegated: Unlike its plain counterpart, the Hoya Australis Variegated has a fuzzy texture and creamy margins that make it stand out. This variety is ideal for adding a splash of color to any room.
  • Hoya Carnosa 'Suzie Q': A stunning cross between the Hoya Carnosa 'Krimson Queen' and Hoya Carnosa 'Krinle 8', the ‘Suzie Q’ showcases eye-catching variegation on its dimpled leaves, making it a conversation piece for any space.
  • Hoya Chouke: This small-leafed, trailing Hoya has a slightly fuzzy texture and dark green leaves. Pair it with a bamboo hoop and watch as it grows, eventually producing beautiful pink fuzzy flowers.

The Growth Potential of a Hoya Plant

In the wild, Hoyas can grow to impressive lengths, reaching up to 59 feet when supported by trees. Indoors, they are more manageable but can still grow long vines that are perfect for trailing or climbing. Their leaves can vary widely, ranging from smooth and glossy to fuzzy or even felted, adding an extra layer of visual interest.

Why Choose a Hoya Plant?

The Hoya plant is a versatile and beautiful addition to any plant collection. With the right care, it will reward you with stunning foliage and, with a bit of patience, delicate star-shaped flowers. Whether you’re looking for a trailing variety like the Hoya ‘Rosita’ or a compact option like the Hoya Chouke, we have a Hoya plant that will suit your space and style.

Browse our collection at Plant Proper today to find the perfect Hoya plant for your home. Happy growing!
